Belva & I had our own Sip 'n Knit as we attended the Yadkin Valley Wine Festival this past Saturday. What a beautiful day to be outside!! Not sure how much knitting was done but we had fun and by the end of the day, we were solving all the worlds problems.
I mistakenly took my Berroco Ultra Silk (white) summer tank project. Did I say white?
I nervously juggled between my red wine and my white tank top and in the end, the wine won out! I tucked the project back in my bag. No big splashes to report so our day ended on a happy note.
Seeing Elkin's lush green park, and the pictures of the wineries, reminded me of the beautiful country side in which we live and play. Last year at Knit Picky we had a Raylen Wine Tasting at the shop and it was very enjoyable. We need to do another one!
Do you all have a wine in mind that you'd like to suggest? Let me know....I'll get busy planning.
What's the moral of the story? Always match your yarn with your wine!!
Happy Knitting!
Well I'm glad you asked. How about Childress Winery. Just a thought.
I'm glad you two had a wonderful day.
Childress sounds good to me! After market, I'll give them a call and get something planned. :)
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