Thursday, October 9, 2008

Mirasol is here and worth the wait...

We've loved Mirasol, and The Mirasol Project, every since we heard the story and felt the yarn.
Today, we got our fall shipment from KFI-Euro. New yarns from Mirasol: Chirapa, Qina, Tupa and new colors of Hacho, Miski and Sulka! New pattern books, too.

We also got a splash of refreshing colors in Elsbeth Lavold Silky Wool, Hempathy, and Kathmandu Aran (a pretty pinky tweed is one of my favs).

Here are a few pictures, frantically snapped as we ripped thru boxes like it was Christmas morning.'s a carrot for you! If you are the first to read this and post a reply, you'll get 10% off your Mirasol purchase!

Now...back to the red couch for more fondling.


Karen said...

Oooh, me!? I just saw this pop up in my reader and raced over. I love Mirasol :)

Knit Picky said...

You go girl! 10% off is yours! I'll have a discount card at the shop for you.