Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Spinning wheels....

Our first Spinning Bee was a hit and I was in good company to try out my new Louet Victoria wheel. The participants were equally split: 3 knowledgeable spinners and 3 novices! After several lame attempts, my yarn begin to form before my very eyes! The experts bragged on me saying I was making beautiful "think & thin" yarn. I thought it looked a little like earthworms. Anyway, I sure had fun. Take a look at the different wheels and fibers....

Jan explained carding and combing to us...she perfers combing so all her fibers line up neat and pretty.

Everyone is invited to join us....the 4th Monday of each month. Beginner's are welcome

Next date: February 25th 6-8pm

If you'd like to "give it a whirl" we offer private lessons from one of our experienced spinners.

Still spinning earthworms,

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