Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Guess where I've been knitting?

Easy, right? This is to inspire you to post the answer because beginning next week, we're starting our random number give-a-way!!

Every so often, I'll offer a give-a-way. Then I'll run the random number generator. The response number that matches the random number selected will win a free gift!

Why are we doing this? It is super easy to post here on the blog rather than our newsletter. While we aren't giving up the newsletter, this is just a faster way to get the word out about new arrivals, specials, shop news, etc.

So....I want to encourage you to read the blog regularly and post! Send me your thoughts, ideas, suggestions, and comments. This will keep you in the know about what's going on in your LYS and you might just be our very first winner!


Shannon (knitnpal) said...

the Winston-Salem air show!

Knitnik said...

The Air Show, of course! Now if only you could get a cute airman to hold your knitting.

Butterfly Works said...

Could it be the Winston Salem air shawl?

Hey you guys; I've missed you....

vicky said...

This past week-end's WS air show.

Pam said...

At the Air show at Smith-Reynolds airport!

Knit Picky said...

Yep, your all right. Thanks for getting our blog comments going.

And yes, the "cute airman" idea was a good one. I did actually snap a picture of a cute young flyboy but when I started to post it, he looked sooooo young that it kind of felt creepy to me.

Happy weekend!