I can vividly remember the day Steve asked me to marry him. We were in the library of The University of Tennessee @ Chattanooga one cool, November day. I was so surprised when he whispered those words and I wanted to laugh out loud with excitement but could not..."quiet, please" was all around us. So we both grinned from ear to ear, snickered a lot and tried to talk quietly.
Boy how time flies. Now, my son is engaged. I'm going to be the mother of the groom. Zach asked Melissa to marry him a couple of weeks ago. She said, "yes". Now they, too, have a special moment to cherish! I told them to write down the date because I can recall a lot of dates in my past but for the life of me cannot remember the exact date of my engagement, can you?
Melissa and Zach began dating in the tenth grade and have been inseparable since. She is a daughter to me and I'm thrilled for them. Now we begin to plan for the big day.
So what do you think of this Sweet Pea Nosegay? Melissa emailed this photo to me....we thought it was so cute. Maybe knitting will have a part in the wedding after all!