Wednesday, March 18, 2009

3 Knitters Share Same Birthday!

What are the odds that a friend shares your birthday? How about two friends? It happened with me and Shanna and Juli!
March 19th is our special day.
Every year I look forward to getting together on Knit Night for our triple knitter birthday party. Thanks to all who joined us tonight and to those who sent their well wishes! We celebrated with champagne, chocolate cake, wine & cheese, funny cards, warm hugs, flowers and good friends. What more could anyone want?

Friday, March 6, 2009

Knit Picky's Snow Madam

Hooray for the beautiful snow! This time it happened as we all waited and watched the downpour of rain and wondered if it would really change over to snow....and it did. As I swept off the front walkway at the shop, I scooped up some handfuls of snow and made a mini snowman (or madam). I plucked a gauge swatch from one of our baskets, ruched the edges (don't you love that word?) and made a tiny beret. Pulled off a smidgen of red roving and viola...she was ready to greet the yarn lovers!

Zoey was enchanted with the March snow. This was her first as she turned 3 years old in January and our last big snow was, well...I can't recall. Anyway, she romped and ran only stopping long enough to lick the fluff and off she went again.

And now I'm ready for spring!


Monday, March 2, 2009

Riding to Avalon

Hey everyone,

I've been doing so good posting to my own blog, but I haven't posted here in ages. I hope this message finds everyone in good health and happy spirits. I've been working on Riding to Avalon since the new year and am proud to announce that I finished it. If anyone has considered making it, feel free to send me any questions. I found parts of the pattern 'interesting'. I used Sublime Merino Cashmere Silk DK, which I have to admit, has become my new favorite yarn.

Happy Knitting - Stay Warm!