Today is the big day, for those of you who are Harry Potter fans. The final Harry Potter book comes out tonight at midnight. To celebrate this momentous occasion, and promote knitting, several of us are going to take our Harry Potter knitting projects, from the book Charmed Knits, to Borders (at Thruway) this evening to sip coffee (or iced tea, depending on the weather) and knit. We hope that some of the kids, young and old, who are at Borders for the big HP party will be interested in our House Color hats, scarves, book marks and other projects and may realize a hidden passion for the magical world of knitting! Our finished toboggans will eventually be donated to Warm Woolies through the Charmed Knits KAL.

We would love to have you join us. We haven't decided what time we are heading over yet, but just give us a call (or an email) if you are interested!