Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Spinning Away!

We've finally got the photos from our Insubordiknit Spinning Workshop together! We've put them into a slideshow for your viewing convenience.

If you're wondering which one is Jacey, she's got a crazy felted bowl hat on in one of the early pics!

I know I had a fabulous time, and Jo did too. Rumor is that Jacey is creating a brand-new teaching workshop for 2011 -- here we come!

-- Samantha

Friday, December 18, 2009

Friday, Dec 19, Closing early!

I heard the news and now I'm watching a wintery mix start to fall!! How exciting! We will be closing at 1pm today and wanted to get the word out. I'll also put it on our phone message.

Be safe, ya'll! And what a great Friday night to snuggle up with hot chocolate and knit.

"Let us knit, Let us knit, Let us knit"